10/7 ICE

Matt Ross
1 min readOct 7, 2020


In July 2020, ICE rolled out some new rules regarding American nonimmigrants and online-only classes in the fall. To summarize, full online course loads are not permitted for those here on student visa, and if broken, those visas will be rescinded and deportations will occur. As a result, major colleges such as Harvard and MIT filed a lawsuit against this, with legal experts saying they have a strong case largely in part due to the unprofessional way the order was explained and published. This is important as it pertains to a Supreme Court case involving DACA students, which also had to do with the federal government short sighting the legal approach to policy. Once again the federal government is using its monopoly on violence in order to purge non-Americans from the land they control. It is a major victory that these policies were rescinded.

